The future of water supply: Efficient and safe with WKT plastic pipes
Against the backdrop of the climate crisis, it is important to significantly reduce environmental emissions, switch to renewable energy sources and find solutions to deal with the consequences of the climate crisis. Water is also becoming an increasingly precious resource. The transport and production of clean drinking water is therefore a constantly growing challenge that is associated with a great responsibility.
We at WKT have therefore been working for years on the use of the best possible raw materials and systems, which, supported by our plastic pipes, contribute to an efficient solution for safe water supply systems. Find out from us which WKT products you should definitely know about in this context and which process you can use to realise your installation quickly and easily!
Safe products for a safe supply
On the way to sustainable water supply systems, we have intensively analysed the optimal raw materials for our plastic pipes in order to develop particularly durable and long-lasting products. With the WKT PE 100-RC pressure pipes for drinking water, we have a product solution on the market that is manufactured to the highest safety standards. The pipes meet the high standard of drinking water pressure pipes in accordance with DIN 8074/8075 and DIN EN 12201 and are manufactured from modern PE 100 RC materials. They are subject to external monitoring by the DVGW certification organisation and are awarded the DVGW certification mark.
WKT pressure pipes made of PE 100-RC
Resistant, durable and easy to handle - this is how we describe our plastic pipes. Manufactured from PE 100-RC, the pipes can be laid trenchlessly or without sand bedding. These special properties are currently additionally verified by external tests and a certificate from the DIN certification organisation. This gives the user even more safety in use.
For the production of our pipes, we only use materials that fulfil 100% of the strict requirements of national hygiene regulations.
Our drinking water pipes are available with a blue coextrusion coating (similar to RAL 5005) or as a black pressure pipe with blue stripes. The colour indicates the use of the pipe in the drinking water sector. The pipes are available in SDR levels 11 and 17 as standard and in other SDR levels on request.
In order to be able to supply our customers with a complete system, we also offer the necessary fittings in addition to our drinking water pipes.
WKT PVC-U pipes
As mentioned at the beginning, the effects of climate change are clearly noticeable in Europe. This includes water scarcity and drought. For this reason, water extraction and water treatment are playing an increasingly important role. Westfälische Kunststofftechnik has been a reliable partner for all manufacturers of pipe systems for water extraction for many years. Pipes made of PVC-U are primarily used here. Thanks to their special formulations and high-precision extrusion, these pipes are easy to process for the production of connecting threads or the finest slits. Individual pipe lengths and an extremely wide range of dimensions up to an outer diameter of 540 mm are particularly noteworthy
The pipes are used as well pipes and are also used in water filtration. In ultrafiltration, the water is filtered through several layers of ultra-fine membranes to such an extent that it can then be reused as clean drinking water. This allows the water to be treated without the addition of chemical additives. The housings of the ultrafiltration modules are made of PVC-U pipes or, at higher operating temperatures of up to 70 °C, PVC-C pipes. The pipes are delivered to the module manufacturers ready for installation and can be fitted with the appropriate membrane filters there.
Our PVC-C and PVC-U pipes are also free of any plasticisers and meet the global requirements for national hygiene standards in the respective supplier countries.
Reliably connected and quickly installed: The WKT Push-Fast system
As innovative product solutions also require innovative handling, we have thought ahead in our development processes and developed a laying and connection option for our plastic pipes that did not exist before!
In the traditional use of connection systems for piping systems in civil engineering, the connections for PVC pipes are realised using push-fit sockets and for PE pipes using welding sockets or mirror welding.
Some time ago, however, we integrated the WKT Push-Fast system (WKT-PF system) into our product portfolio and combined the quality advantages of PE 100 and PE 100-RC with the proven push-fit socket connection.
This solution enables us to supply a wide range of drinking water and wastewater pipes in various sizes, pressure ratings and lengths in single and multi-layer variants, including the appropriate connecting elements for every requirement. The mechanical connection technology enables quick and easy installation. The longitudinal frictional locking of the Push-Fast joints is achieved via a glass fibre reinforced POM clamping ring, which is integrated into the joint. An additional rubber ring inside the sleeve ensures that the system is sealed. The system has proven itself throughout Europe for more than 20 years and today offers a large range of moulded parts as well as customised special moulded parts.
The advantages of the system, compared to conventional methods such as butt or socket welding, are not only the time savings of 70% due to the elimination of heating and preparation time. There is also no need to handle the welding equipment, as no technical aids are required to make the connection. Furthermore, the installation can be carried out safely and easily in any weather, even in conjunction with residual water, and no welding training is required for the installation personnel.
To summarise, the WKT Push-Fast system enables us to achieve uniquely fast, uncomplicated installation and a permanently tight connection between the individual elements. The low weight of our pipes also makes them easy to handle and, in combination with our PE 100-RC pressure pipes, makes the system solution an economical and sustainably profitable advantage for you.
More information? We can advise you! Our experts will answer any questions you may have about your project and find the optimum product solution for you.
– Your WKT team