We were awarded the 2024 training certificate
The Federal Employment Agency in Hagen presented us with the "Certificate for the Promotion of Young Talent."
Managing Director Nils Zimmermann: "Training and further education are central components of our corporate philosophy."
WKT promotes innovative training and ensures the recruitment of young talent by offering work placements and regular participation in school and career information events, among other things. Being present where young and motivated people are looking for the right professions for their future is important to us. As a company, we are currently in a state of upheaval. The "boomer" generation is gradually retiring and leaving their place to the younger generation. Making this change as successful as possible for us and, above all, for our employees, is one of the most important tasks at this time. Being recognized for this commitment makes us very proud.
Katja Heck, Chairwoman of the Management Board of the Federal Employment Agency Hagen: "It is becoming more and more important every year to send out a clear signal in favor of training. WKT Westfälische Kunststofftechnik GmbH is committed to training young people in an exemplary manner, and not only in times of great demand for skilled workers."
Our junior staff appreciate our familiar, pleasant working atmosphere and their responsible tasks. Further development after the apprenticeship is also important to us. In addition, we offer a number of extra benefits, from in-house internships to bicycle leasing, IT training and health and sports programs.
We at WKT look forward to every application for the coming training years and will do everything we can to ensure that our good level of training is maintained and expanded. Find out more about us as an employer here and get to know our varied employee program: