Exactly the right product for your applications, conditions and requirements - in top quality! With WKT's diverse products and pipes, you can plan flexibly. The enormously long service life is testimony to the good quality of the materials used and the wealth of experience we have acquired as a family-owned company since 1954. Even the toughest requirements are therefore withstood by our pipes in the long term - an investment in the future!
Learn moreAs a family-run company in its third generation, we create from tradition innovation. Our most important asset is our employees with their know-how and commitment. For decades, we have therefore not relied on corporate structures, but on a cooperative, family-oriented corporate culture here at our site in Sprockhövel.
Learn morePiping systems for drinking water and gas supply as well as for wastewater discharge and cable protection have one of the highest safety standards in Europe. We at WKT have developed products specially optimized for this purpose.
WKT's pressure and ventilation pipes serve the most demanding industrial applications in plant construction and building technology. Depending on the desired properties, the pipes are made of a wide variety of materials. This always guarantees you a product that is optimally matched to your needs.
One of our great strengths is finding special solutions for unusual applications and developing special products. Special colours are just as possible as individual pipe dimensions, special lengths in series and individual production, our own material formulations and mechnical prosessed plastic components according to customer drawings.
Reality shows: you can't just plan pipes strictly straight ahead, you also have to think regularly around the bend! Optimal fittings for every requirement are therefore an integral part of our product range.
Unsere Marke „Rohriginal“ steht für besondere Produktqualität und unverwechselbare Unternehmensattribute.
Unser gesamtes Planen und Handeln richtet sich an Ihnen und Ihren Bedürfnissen aus.
Diesen möchten wir in vollem Umfang gerecht werden. Möglich ist das nur dank unserer Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter, deren Know-how und ihrem überdurchschnittlichen Engagement.
Wir bewegen uns auf internationalen Beschaffungs- und Absatzmärkten. Die feste Verwurzelung in Sprockhövel, die gute Zusammenarbeit mit unseren regionalen Geschäftspartnern sowie die Unterstützung lokaler gemeinnütziger Einrichtungen liegen uns jedoch am Herzen. Unsere Strategie ist nicht die der kurzfristigen Gewinnmaximierung – wir suchen nach der langfristig besten Lösung. Dabei hat Nachhaltigkeit in all ihren Facetten für uns einen großen Stellenwert.
An diesen Werten halten wir fest. Sie spiegeln sich in unseren Produkten und in unserem Service wider. Das ist Rohriginal WKT.
We not only pay attention to the economic efficiency of our actions, but also to the social and ecological dimensions of our value creation processes. Accordingly, we want to continuously optimize our use of resources and live up to our social responsibility towards our stakeholders.Since 2021, WKT has been a supporter and signatory of the UN Global Compact - the world's largest and most important initiative for sustainable and responsible corporate governance.
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