Pressure pipes made of PE 100 RC for drinking water with longitudinally friction-locked plug-in socket

Our polyethylene pressure pipes made of PE 100 RC with longitudinally friction-locked plug-in socket can be used for drinking water supply.


  • polyethylene (PE 100 RC)


  • coex multilayer pipe
  • or single-layer solid-wall pipe
  • with welded, longitudinally friction-locked plug-in socket


  • outside royal blue (similar to RAL 5005) and inside black (similar to RAL 9004)
  • or black (similar to RAL 9004) with royal blue stripes (similar to RAL 5005)

Internal operating pressure

  • up to 10 or 16 bar (depends on SDR level)

Operating temperature

  • up to 20°C (cold water applications)

Outer diameters

  • 90 to 250 mm

SDR levels

  • 17 or 11


  • 6 and 12 m bars
  • special lengths on request


  • pallets
  • with protective caps
dimensions see here
dimensions see here

Connection techniques

  • longitudinally friction-locked plug-in socket

Installation types

  • open trench installation (with and without sand bed, ...)


  • with coloured meter marking
  • special marking on request


For the pipes:

  • DVGW approval
  • DIN CERTCO certification

Standards & guidelines

  • DIN 8074
  • DIN 8075
  • DIN EN 12201
  • DVGW GW 335-A2
  • PAS 1075 (officially withdrawn)
  • KRV installation instructions for plastic pipe systems

Application examples

Material qualities


  • simple and fast installation due to the longitudinally friction-locked PE plug-in socket pipe system (time saving of up to 70 %; no technical aids required).
  • no need for abutments, as the pipes are longitudinally friction-locked
  • weather-independent laying
  • narrow pipe trenches
  • can be used in case of ground subsidence
  • less fittings required compared to rigid pipes
  • extensive range of fittings
  • permanently tight connection with long service life
  • chemical resistance to aggressive and abrasive media
  • low weight
  • favourable abrasion values
  • high hydraulic performance
  • environmentally friendly, as recyclable


Reality shows: you can't just plan pipes strictly straight ahead, you also have to think regularly around the bend! Optimal fittings for every requirement are therefore an integral part of our product range.

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Pressure pipes made of PE 100 RC for drinking water with longitudinally friction-locked plug-in socket
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Drinking water supply
Coex multilayer pipe
Single-layer solid-wall pipe
Welded, longitudinally friction-locked plug-in socket
Royal blue (similar to RAL 5005)
Black with royal blue stripes (similar to RAL 5005)
DIN 8074
DIN 8075
DIN EN 12201
DVGW GW 335-A2
PAS 1075
KRV installation instructions
Longitudinally friction-locked plug-in socket
Open trench installation (with and without sand bed)
PE 100 RC